近日,哥伦比亚驻华大使塞尔希奥·卡夫雷拉(Sergio Fausto Cabrera Cardenas)莅临尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术开展友好访问与交流活动。尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术董事长、总裁崔山,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术副总裁、尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!国际运营公司CEO叶敬岳,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!国际运营公司VP张惠泽,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!国际运营公司SA区域CEO王轩等热情接待,双方就中哥战略伙伴关系背景下涌现的各领域友好合作机遇、全球智能制造及绿色能源相关创新技术及应用实践、未来工业数智化发展前景及趋势等多个话题展开了深入洽谈。
Recently, Sergio Fausto Cabrera Cardenas, Colombia Ambassador to China, visited SUPCON for a friendly exchange. The delegation was warmly welcomed by SUPCON's Chairman and CEO Cui Shan, SUPCON's Vice President and CEO of SUPCON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PTE. LTD. Ye Jingyue, Vice President of SUPCON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PTE. LTD. Zhang Huize, and CEO of the SA Region of SUPCON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PTE. LTD. Wang Xuan. The discussions covered a variety of topics, including emerging cooperation opportunities across various sectors under the China-Colombia strategic partnership, innovations in global smart manufacturing and green energy, as well as future trends in industrial digitalization and intelligence.
在尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!创新体验中心,塞尔希奥·卡夫雷拉一行详细听取了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术近年来围绕“1+2+N”智能工厂新架构及工业AI所构建的丰富的产品技术体系,全面深入地了解了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术的发展战略布局、创新技术实践及重要经营成果,对尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术构建的“AI+安全”“AI+质量”“AI+低碳”“AI+效益”智能化解决方案表示肯定,并对尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术通过构建“AI+数据”核心竞争力,推动AI技术在全球流程工业领域应用落地的举措表示赞赏。
During the visit to SUPCON Innovation Experience Center, Ambassador Cabrera and his team were given a detailed overview of SUPCON's extensive product and technology portfolio, built around the "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture and industrial AI. They gained a deep understanding of SUPCON's development strategy, technological innovations, and key business achievements. They expressed approval of SUPCON's intelligent solutions, including "AI+Safety," "AI+Quality," "AI+Green," and "AI+Profit", and commended SUPCON's efforts to enhance its core competitiveness through "AI + Data," driving the application of AI technologies in global process industries.
塞尔希奥·卡夫雷拉在会谈中指出,今年是中哥建交45周年,两国在各领域的交流合作中面临着历史性机遇。当前哥伦比亚迫切需要引进行业前沿的创新技术来赋能哥伦比亚国家工业数智化转型进程的加速推进,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术创新引领的技术实力和突出的全球企业经营能力令人印象深刻,期待在中哥关系良好发展的契机下,未来能与尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术在各行业中探索长远的合作机会,共同推动本土工业的数字化转型、智能化升级。
In the meeting, Ambassador Cabrera noted that this year is the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Colombia, creating a historic opportunity for bilateral cooperation in various fields. He emphasized that Colombia is keen to introduce cutting-edge technologies to accelerate the digital transformation of its industrial sector. He was impressed by SUPCON's leadership in innovation and its strong global business capabilities. He looks forward to exploring long-term cooperation opportunities with SUPCON across various industries, taking advantage of the positive development in China-Colombia relations, and jointly promoting the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of local industries in the future.
崔山对塞尔希奥·卡夫雷拉一行的莅临表示热烈欢迎。他指出,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术作为着眼全球化布局的工业AI公司,近年来在海内外市场表现出强劲的发展态势。2024年,公司不断加速在产品技术研发和商业模式上的突破创新,面向全球发布尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!通用控制系统UCS(Universal Control System)产品Nyx、流程工业时序大模型TPT等工业AI新技术,并与全球一众领先知名企业建立了深入合作伙伴关系。相信尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术多年的行业沉淀和创新的工业AI技术能够为哥伦比亚工业发展注入新的活力。
Cui Shan extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Cabrera and his delegation. He noted that SUPCON, as a leading global industrial AI company, has shown impressive growth both domestically and internationally in recent years. In 2024, SUPCON has continuously accelerated breakthroughs and innovations in product technology research and development as well as business models, launching new industrial AI technologies like Universal Control System (UCS) Nyx and Time-series Pre-trained Transformer (TPT), while deepening partnerships with leading global enterprises. He expressed confidence that SUPCON's extensive industry experience and innovative AI solutions would inject new vitality into Colombia's industrial development.
此次访问深化了哥伦比亚与尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术间的互利互信,为双方未来的合作架起了桥梁。尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!技术将继续深耕行业数智化前沿技术研发创新,全力推动国际化战略布局,充分释放技术优势及产业价值,为哥伦比亚及南美洲国家工业数智化转型贡献更多智慧与力量。
This visit has further strengthened the mutual trust and cooperation between Colombia and SUPCON, laying the groundwork for future collaboration. SUPCON will continue to focus on pioneering digital and intelligent technologies, advancing its international strategy, and leveraging its technological and industrial expertise to support the digital transformation of Colombia and other South American nations.